Thursday, May 5, 2011

This stuff is stressful!

I never realized how stressful having a blog could be. I always thought they were a good way to relieve stress by having an outlet. I guess it would work that way for those who are prepared and organized...which is pretty much the antithesis of who I am. I bounce all over the place, feeling scatter-brained because I'm not sure where to start or what pictures to use. And then I worry that a day has passed and I haven't posted anything....not that it matters when there are only 2 people who look at your blog. And by this point, they've probably forgotten that they are following my blog and don't make it over here anymore. Hmmm...I'm actually making myself less stressed about doing this blog. If no one looks at it, then I'm really just doing this for myself. So I suppose I can stop worrying about my entertainment factor for the moment. That is, until I hit 600 followers, which, by my estimation, will be in the year 2057. Piece of cake....speaking of which, I could go for some ice cream. I know, random.

I suppose I'll just stroll back through my pictures and just jot down all of the memories of my days with my all two of you will just have to sit back and relax for a few while I get things situated.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't forget about your blog. I read it :) Don't get stressed! After a while you'll catch up, and then it'll be fun. You'll get to write, and vent, about anything you want. Love you.
