Monday, July 11, 2011

The big 6-Mo.

I still can't believe Isla is going to be 6 months old on Friday. If she could have held off being born for 1 more day, she could have had her 1/2 birthday on her mom's birthday. That would've been fun. But I love that she'll have a day all to herself. We had our favorite photographer, Mala Hyder, take photos for Isla's 6 month. So far we have done newborn, 3-month and 6-month sessions with her and they have been the best pictures EVER! I wish we could just have her follow us around all the time and take know, just throughout the day, standing over in the corner just snapping away. But I guess that would take away from Heather getting any practice in with her camera- which she is getting REALLY good at!

Heather also got her necklace from Colleen Berg, and it turned out so great! I don't have a picture on the computer yet, so I'll put one up later. We had one made before this recent one and we were a little disappointed in how the fingerprint turned out. Colleen was great enough to not only send us more molding material, but she redid the entire necklace and we couldn't be happier.

We also realized a couple days ago that our little bugger is right on the verge of full-on crawling. If she can grasp the concept of keeping herself up with her arms, look out world! I can't believe that she is going to be walking before we know it. I'm excited and I can't wait, but it scares the livin' bejeezus out of me too.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My how time flies...

I can't believe that our baby girl is almost 6 months old! We've been so caught up with going home to Michigan for my brother's wedding, and finding fun family stuff to do, that I had all but forgotten about my blog...oops. So now it's time to try to get back on track. Right now, Isla is a rolling fool. It's either that she loves rolling around, or just can't decide whether she wants to play on her stomach or her back, but she is rolling all over the place. And she's getting sooo close to crawling! It's starting to get a little frightening, thinking about her being mobile, but I'm excited for her to be able to explore her surroundings.

I am hoping that Heather and I can take her to the zoo for her first visit soon. We spent this past weekend (4th of July) hanging out and we took her swimming for the first time...well, it was my first time with her at the pool. I can tell she's going to be a little fish. Unfortunately we were only there for about 10 minutes before we saw lightning, so we had to pack it up and head for home. We also got to celebrate Father's Day (I was at my brother's bachelor party on the official day). Heather and Isla made me a AWESOME coffee mug and I can't imagine drinking out of anything else....ever. So with the exception of the rain, I had an incredible weekend with my girls.

And now we begin the baby-proofing. We have already moved things off of our bottom shelves and now we need to start looking at baby gates, or a crate or something. It's amazing how easy it is when they can't move on their own and how you really do have to constantly watch them when they start's not just a saying that "you turn around for one second and they're getting into something". It actually HAPPENS! About 3 weeks ago, Isla was playing on the floor while I was working on my computer and I literally felt like I had only turned around for 30 seconds and she was about 5 feet from where I previously saw her. Just coo-ing away like there's nothing going on. Scary, but I'm excited to see her go through the stages.