Monday, September 19, 2011

Gotta get back on track!

I cannot believe that my last post was August 11th (July post)....and I can't believe that I just wrote that...AGAIN! I am so glad that Heather is doing her blog for Isla because she is so good at keeping up with it. Me....not so much. Heather and I just recently started our Financial Peace University classes and I was classified as a "free spirit". That is how I feel with my blog so far and I need to change that. I feel like I get so easily distracted by life and that I always need to be doing something "new" (which most times I wish would include my router, but alas, I have yet to use it after about 9 years-  I wonder if it still works??). So it's time to buckle down, get back on the horse and do any other cliche sayings. So let's look back and see what all went on in the "Campberson" house over the last few months....

Isla decided that crawling on her hands and knees was too passe, so she went for standing instead. She's gotten VERY good at using any little thing around to pull herself up so she can get to whatever she isn't supposed to have.  We still have much baby-proofing to do and recently both mine and Heather's computers died. We were able to borrow a computer from her work, but we had to drape a 25' ethernet cable across our living room floor - not ideal. So inevitably, every time Isla was on the floor she would make her way over to the cord and promptly shove it in her mouth. We have been choosing to let her figure some things out on her own, but making understand that things like cords are forbidden. I don't think she quite understands yet, because every time I tell her "Isla, NO!", she looks at me very seriously for about two seconds, then gets a HUGE grin on her am I ever going to resist not getting this little girl anything she wants?

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